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Trying hard, gazing upon the sky.
stars look good tonite(:
Profile Entries others Affies

Friday, June 3, 2011

Recently found a new song that i wrote and sang when i'm sick=.=
Cog up here and there, but it seems to be a pretty nice song~ will re-record someday, hahah.

还记得 by jc.

永远, 我会在你身边守候




Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Its been a really long time since i last post arh~ hahah!
Most probably no one will ever come here again. And i think thats what I wanted most.
So! if you just passby, jus silently read and silently go bah. Cos i jus want to throw everything out here and dun giv a damn about it:P Sorry...

Since i last post in november which is like 5months have passed? Thats sooo long ago man! Damn lot of things happen!

I having a new job as a sales assistant in this shop named Mu. Things go pretty well, stuff over there is very friendly and the schedule is very flexible. Probably thats the reason why i go there even though the pay is quite low~

I got a role in dialect easter drama! as a theif=.= i think i really have a bad guy face. Everytime is either theif or bai jia zi! (rich kid that waste money) But i had alot of fun doing this stuff as im not myself on stage, but someone else. Sometimes, i really hope that I'm not weiming as everybody knows. I think not many people really noe me bah. hahaha~

Anw, back to the topic, my band went in to the semi finals in stardust2011! didnt even thought that we will get in. Hope we can get the first place to do more things for Him(=

School starting in less than a week time. Hope i can be in the same class as shawn and the lesson to be much interesting than last sem~~

Alright, enough for updates. Time for me to vomit the things out~~

Went to a blog page that i didnt go before. Initial feelings, excited, curious, thinking is there anything written about me or what not. After reading every post.... mix feelings?

Probably i'm kinda jealous bah. Why you can tell someone everything and not me? I thought we can share every burdens? Maybe i gave a wrong idea? I do want to know what is happening in your life, but if u dun keen to tell me, i won't force to know. But somehow or rather...i feel that i completely dun noe what is happening. My shoulder is for you to lie on, my presence is for you to cry your heart out when you are not happy. But instead of me, others is the one you seek.
Maybe this is how i see r/s? sharing your joy, sad, excitement, burdens and all.
I wonder have you get the hints that i gave you. I wonder do you know that I'm been very honest with you. i wonder...

Probably things have been very hectic this month, so many things going on and i'm down with sickness. How i wish there is a person to take care of me once in awhile. A person that i can hug to sleep. Talk to, listen to, laugh, cry. Future is very fuzzy, i cant see anymore. Because i know nuts of what u really feel.

Grab my hand if you need to, hug me if you feel like. if you are shy about this, i really have nothing to say.

At the very least, put some effort in this r/s, at least i can see it with my own eyes.

Right now, maybe i'm the one that putting in effort?? whats the point of getting my attention for months and now you have it, u hack care it?

I'm tired. I think i always say that. But this year i'm physically and mentally drain becos of this.
Jus be yourself in front of me. Like how i be my real self in front of you.

I really hope i didnt made the wrong choice.

Because is too late for me to make a U turn now.

Rhapsody PEEPS!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hey guys, I know that this is me posting after don't know how many blue moon, but I want to dedicate this song and post to Rhapsody peeps today(:

Friends Forever.

After countless of practice, today is the day we perform in a Full-House 300 Seaters Studio. Was quite nervous when the time is near to our performance but I try to keep myself calm. Surprisingly when we about to go out, everyone started to hug each other and giving encourage, suddenly all the fears and nervousness is gone. Although is only 5 songs that we perform, I really think that I enjoyed the moment together looking at the fruits that we put effort on.

I think the highlight is after everything, rhapsody is being rhapsody again. We show what is in us without any hesitant to each other, most of the people cried because some of our people is their last performance with this bunch of rhapsody crazy people together. I tried not to cry in front of them...buhahah! In any case, I do feel sad that some of the guys are going, I wonder without them what will happen to rhapsody??

But in any case, those who are leaving, really all the best, hope we can always meet up to get crazy, sing songs while walking to woodlands MRT station and all~


Friday, August 20, 2010

Seriously, if next time people call me a pig...i will.....AGREE!!!!!!!!

REASON!!! since holiday started every night, i have been eating then go to slp right away....haix. Hope this will change soon==

Anyway, holidays had started and i had rest in different places~ Worried about my aunt who admitted into hospital due to dengue but is out now:D

tml, is the competition for A Cappella champ '10. will be rooting for rhapsody tml. wahahahahh!!! hope i will not get bored ya.

dun really have much to write but i'm getting a new guitar soon~ tats all peeps. enjoy the songs that i enjoyed very much^^

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Currently in love with this song(: I think is a very nice song, lyrics is at the back of this post.

So, currently going to have holidays like after tomorrow?? will go to school for this last sem and I'll change class le. ): had alot of great friends and don't want to change class)): But, no choice la.

Recently joined a IG club call rhapsody club. a singing interest group. Here have a few great singers and i'm proud to be in it although there is still alot to learn for me(:

AT LAST!!! Ndp is finish, waiting for my pay to come in and i'll buy a new guitar with hard-casing!!! man, i'm sososososososososo EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

Recently, or i should say, jus now, went to meet my bro, weiyi and some buddies. Talk to my bro for quite abit and he makes me start thinking again. Idiot.....

We were talking about one of my very very long never contact friend which she recently added me on fb and i didn't noe who is her...actually there is quite a few added me though. But, looking at her, makes my fantasy went wild. BUT!!! for now, i still want to stay single(: for many reason though(:

Although saying that, I dun mean if I really found my partner i will not take action, but, i think i will do it slowly bah...
tough indeed, because when sometimes you really wan someone smell nice, someone you like beside you, fall asleep, and you fall asleep also, in a bus or what. Mine will come, sooner or later^^

alrite, I'm going to sleep now, night peeps(:

1234! lyrics
Songwriters: Higgenson, Tom;

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

Give me more lovin' than I've ever had
Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely gettin' mad, I'm so glad I found you
I love bein' around you
You make it easy, it's as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you

Give me more lovin' from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends

Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Best that I've had, I'm so glad that I found you
I love bein' around you
You make it easy, it's as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you
I love you

You make it easy, it's easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4

There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you
I love you

1, 2, 3, 4
I love you
I love you

Sunday, June 27, 2010

here i am in class but i am blogging rite now~ hahahah!
ytd went to TONY & LIFANG wedding.
Looking how sweet they are, I am quite sure that they will really have a blessed marriage.
At last mom and dad married to each other, as their child, i am happy for them^^

programming programming programming..........look at all they codes i am blur now~hahahah!

was writing some songs and adding new stuff for my old songs recently. but mind is abit block recently.

NDP rehearsal is fun and tiring. but need to watch another 7 times of ndp doesn't appeal me:P
but, the money does...hahahahah!!!!!!!!

many things happen past few weeks, abit lazy to post and some is quite personal, opps(: only available for ppl i close with. So, if u wan noe more, try to noe me more~hyahahahah!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life, can be said that it is fragile even if we do not want to admit.

How many times can we see stars in the sky?
How many times can we a sunrise?
How many times can friends play together, have fun, drink or watch soccer?

No one knows. Only God knows.

I heard from people saying that life is just a period of time, maybe it is to enjoy friends that is around us, drink, eat, work.

Or it is to fell in love to that someone. But how long do we need to search before he/she stand before our eyes.

How many trails is there awaiting for us?

Will I be the one who give up or he/she gave up first?

Again. Only God knows.

I like the night sky. As it is peaceful. I like the stars. As it is beautiful.

what about the nights full of dark clouds?
what about nights full of thunder or even lightning?

Hurt. Fear. Pain.
Is something we need to go through to grow. to have experience.

I saw many who keep all of this in their heart. Shutting themselves. Scared that they will be hurt again.

I remember someone saying. To let go something painful, first you must face it, next find a solution for it and lastly. Drop it and never look back.

Yet, some of us choose the otherwise. Run away from it.
How sad? How pitiful?

How pitiful....

Sometimes, I really feel or want to be some of the characters in anime.
Why? Is because, they live their life to the fullest.

Not like our world. doing things that probably not what we wanted. Yet to survive, no other choice.

Maybe, always hope that you are other people is part of human nature.
But if there is a choice.
And we do not need to care about money, food, qualification, health.

Will you want to change how you are living now?
Your Occupation?
Your Dreams?
Your World?
Your Life?

I think I would. I think.